Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Championship

There I was ready to play on the field for the championship game. The referee blew the whistle and the soccer ball was kicked in my direction. The game got off to a good start by my team dominating
on the opponents half of the field. By the time it was half we had scored bringing the score to 1-0.
Half-time was over and every player was sweating like crazy from the sun. We started the second half and we were doing great until the last few minutes of the game. The ball got down to our half of the field and one of our defenders kicked it out and gave the other team a corner kick. Everyone was yelling at people telling them where to go and who to mark. It was just carouse. The ball was kicked over my head and next thing I know I see the ball kicked into the high, left corner side in the goal. They had shot. They scored. It was tied. We had to get another point in order to win the tournament or we would go into over time. I heard the referees watch start beeping I knew that meant the game was over. So we went into over time and no one had scored after ten minutes, so we had to go into penalty kicks. Both my team and the other team made their first shot. We went through 5 people and in the end they had made four penalty shots and we had made three.
Everyone was sad that we had lost the championship game. Some of the players were crying thinking that it was all there fault, thinking “Maybe if I would have took that shot, or maybe if I were marking her.” Now we know to practice penalty kicks before a tournament just in case this situation comes again we can be the team that wins!

Rear Window Essay
Hitchcock did a good job filming from the apartment and not making it boring. He made things happen outside of L.B. Jefferies window, which he looked out of while his leg was broken. It wasn’t just any boring things going on outside his window, but it was a murder which I find interesting. Also, He had friends help him try to solve the murder which were the only two people who believed him that he thought there had been a murder. Lastly, Hitchcock made people in the film think L.B. Jefferies was seeing things since there wasn’t much evidence for on of his neighbors wife’s were murdered by her husband. By making people not believe him made it funny in a way. Those are the first thoughts that I came up with of how it wasn’t that boring.
Having something going on outside of L.B. Jefferies room made it interesting in many ways. One was because it wasn’t just taking place in his apartment it was around him. Also, I thought it was funny how he had to stay in his apartment because of his broken leg, but if it wasn’t for his leg he wouldn’t have had to stay inside looking out his window and figure out a murder. This movie even made you feel certain ways which isn’t boring. For example, when the dog was digging in the garden the murderer thought the dog would have unburied what he was trying to hide in there from the murder so he killed the dog
and that made me sad.
L.B. Jefferies made some people in the film think he was seeing things or crazy which made the film kind of funny. Hitchcock did that by having Jefferies looking out the window and see one of his neighbor’s wife’s go missing which he thought she had been killed. Although no one else saw any of this except himself. So when he got help from the police they just kind of were not taking him serious because he didn’t have enough evidence.
Although the police didn’t believe Jefferies about the murder two if his friends did. Since they believed him they helped him out and Jefferies couldn’t leave the apartment because of his broken leg he had his friends go out there for him. For example, when they wanted to see what was really buried in the garden he had his friends go out there and look. Also, when they needed more evidence for the police to prove the murder so one of his friends went into the “murderers” apartment and look for
All of those reasons and more are why I liked the movie and why it wasn’t boring. Trying to solve the crime was interesting because at some points you thought that Jefferies was going to get seriously hurt, but because of friends helping him out he didn’t. Also, even making people in the film think he was crazy made it funny not all serious and boring. Hitchcock did a good
job not making the movie boring from filming it all at the