Friday, November 2, 2007


Brittany is one of my best friends! We can talk about everything and anything! She is absolutely crazy, which is why it is so fun to be around her. We get to hang out about every week, and each time is more fun! I think she has one of the best personalities because she almost always looking on the bright side. She laughs almost every second of the day and is always in a good mood which makes me in a good mood. We always try to trip each other and we both end up falling! Brittany also has the cutest puppies in the wolrd, especialy Ted! I won't forget get getting my hair cut at her from Emma while Brittany was on the computer the whole time! Good times. No matter when or where Brittany and I hang out we have fun! I love her like a sister!


Emma said...

This is a really good entry because it has a lotta detail about your bestfriend. and you can tell from what you say about her that she's your bestfriend! Good job.

horse@hrt/Marlee said...

I like this BECAUSE its really sweet of ya to honor ur friend by writing a story about them.

Marina's Blog said...

Sounds like you and Brittany have a lot of fun :). This entry is really cool because it shows how much you care about your best friend. Nice job!

brittany. said...

Liz i like this because your telling us about you amazing friend who sounds pretty cool. I bet you guys have a great time together. =]

Austin said...

Hey Liz
I liked your story because it goes with the one Brittany wrote :)

Justina* said...

I love this entry as much as I love Britt!! Becauase I love her a lot :p =)

Justina* said...

Oh yehh thanks for putting me on there too :p haha jk

sarah S. said...

sounds like you guys are very close its always good to have a friend you are close to

Kate said...

I <3 Beamer too!! I really like how you said that you try to trip each other and you would both just end up falling! That is because it is so true!!