Wednesday, February 6, 2008


A few months ago Brittany, Emma, and I all hung out. We all went to Emma's huge house which is pretty close to subway. When we got to her house we got some snacks. Then we went down stairs for a little bit and played with all of the equipment she had, there was a punching bag, tredmill, drums, and a lot more. We were getting kinda bored so we went outside on her swing. There were tons of walnuts on the ground, so we were throwing them at eachother. We started wanting some candy so we got some money and started walking to subway. I started kicking a walnut, that i sooned named Nutty. I had kicked him all the way there, bought some candy, then started kicking him back to Emma's. We were just about to go down her driveway when a car came, so we all got out of the way, except Nutty! The car crushed him, so I ran out to him yelling Nutty, Nutty, then I threw a piece of him in the car's direction and yelled Nutty, Nutty, you jerk!! It was so funny! I don't think I'll forget that day.

8 comments: said...

I liked this entry because it made me giggle. Good job! Gracie

Chirs said...

I liked this because i thought it was funny when nutty got run over

Lacy said...

I liked this because it was so funny. I'm sorry about nutty.

raelani said...

I liked this entry because it made me laugh. I'm really sorry for your loss.

horse@hrt/Marlee said...

I liked this because it was really funny! I can sort of relate to that, except it was a blue bouncy ball. sarah stole him. put him in her mouth (eww!) after he touched the road. then she stuck him in a hole in the driveway. luckily i got him back. and dont worry, he is sitting safely on my bathroom counter.LoL

brittany. said...

Oh wow liz. I liked this because this was one of the funnest times i had with you and emma. It was so funny when nutty got ran over. Yo had great detail. I think everyone who read this would have laughed, or giggled haha. This is really good Liz.

Kate said...

Wow Liz that sounded like a really fun day! I like how you through walnuts at eachother because it sounds like fun!! Haha Molly and Emma are goofballs! Poor Nutty haha that part made me laugh!! Ok well terrific job!!

linden said...

Hey Liz, I thought this was a good entry. I thought it was well written because you could really tell how you felt. I also laughed when i read this since i could totally picture this all happening! Im sorry about your walnut! But i think you should keep writing about your funny times, they are enjoyable to read!